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September 2023 Newsletter!

And we're back!

Our summer hiatus has come and gone. There were a smattering of preliminary meetings held over the summer in preparation for the fall's push into our new work plans. Some groups got a head start and others will tackle their work plans in their first meetings for this next year. We're very excited about the fresh focus and our necessarily narrowed scope for working towards food security in Simcoe County.

Stay tuned for Working Table and Stewardship Group updates as this season unfolds.


Volunteers Needed:

On July 20th, the SCFC Food Skills Education Working Table had their inaugural meeting to connect about food skills in Simcoe County! The group aims to connect and share about what is happening locally and collaborate to strengthen opportunities for food skills. If you, or your organization, is interested in food skills (sometimes referred to more broadly as Food Literacy) programming and want to network with like-minded others, contact Kari at New members are welcome to join the Working Table to learn more, and network about what’s happening to support food skills education. The next planned meeting is Wednesday, Sept 20th at 2pm.

Interested in Fundraising or Communications?

If helping fundraise for various food security projects interests you, we'd happily welcome you to our Fund Development and Communications Working Table. As the table is brand new, we invite all kinds of ideas for events, direct mail campaigns, and grant writing, etc. If you're a trained grant writer looking for experience to add to your resume, please consider a volunteer position with us. Do you have experience in Communications? We'd love to have your wisdom and help in creating name recognition in Simcoe County. Our first meeting date will depend on the schedule of those interested in joining us. Meetings are fully supported and attended by SCFC's Community Coordinator. Contact Kari @ for more information and to sign up.

Involved or Interested in Agriculture's Role in Food Security? We're bringing our Agriculture Table out of mothballs and we already have the pleasure of a few new volunteers who will join a couple of seasoned ones. If you're a small producer, market gardener or someone with a passion for farming, please consider joining us. Contact Kari @ for more information and to sign up.


Interested in Food Recovery, Waste Diversion and Social Enterprise?

Join us for our September Community of Practice with speakers from the Guelph-Wellington Circular Innovation Council Sept. 27th from noon to 1pm.

Businesses and organizations in Guelph and Wellington County are donating surplus food to their communities and diverting food waste to compost, with the whole system soon to be paid for by the Circular Innovation Council's food waste diversion social enterprise. The SEED, in partnership with the Circular Innovation Council, is offering this food recovery/food waste diversion pilot program as a dual-purpose solution to businesses and organizations in the area, with a goal that no food becomes waste. This pilot is a low-cost, holistic solution that delivers local environmental and social impact. Want to learn how they set it up and funded it? Speakers Maggie Bain and Katie Motta will be giving a presentation followed by a question period. Limited seats available, so book now. Free Tickets *We'll send participants a Zoom link a couple of days before the presentation and question period.


Uplifting Blessings in Orillia Needs:

Until next time,

Your friends at the Simcoe County Food Council

Copyright © 2023 by Simcoe County Food Council. All rights reserved.

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